11 de Abril de 2014 Julio
Fechas: 3 y 4 de Mayo de 2014
Horario: de 11:00 a 14:00 y de 16:00 a 19:00, total de 12 horas
Horario: de 11:00 a 14:00 y de 16:00 a 19:00, total de 12 horas
Dónde: "La Sala de las Bestias"
C/ Josep Llimona nº10, El Masnou, Barcelona Ver mapa
(Trenes dirección Mataro/Blanes, parada Ocata)
Precio: 120€
info + inscripciones: miguimandalasol@gmail.com
Organizado por Butohpia Collective and "La Sala de las Bestias"
"Body semiotics" Butoh Workshop by: Valentin Tszin
Began his career as a dramatic actor, and a film actor. After graduating from the Far Eastern State Academy of Art in 2005, he worked as an actor in the Moscow Roman Viktyuk's Theatre, then participated in several projects of DEREVO dance company in Germany.
In 2009 he founded his own company PoemaTheatre in St. Petersburg, Russia. Until now, the whole history of Valentin is associated with his work on this most important project. More than 40 projects in several countries were created. PoemaTheatre's "OUT OF THE
FOREST" performance staged at ARCHSTOYANIE Festival in 2013 is considered to be the most famous project of the group. More than 100 artists took part in the performance.
Valentin has developed the method named "semiotics of the body" for his theatre, which was the result of a comprehensive education in the . Key insight of the method is "attention to his body outside the two points - the mind and the being."
Butoh - a Japanese avant-garde dance - had a major influence on the method. Among Valentin's teachers are well known Japanese masters such as Ko Murobushi, Carlotta Ikeda, Masaki Iwan?, Taketeru Kudo. PoemaTheatre works led to creation of Butoh Village laboratory that develops butoh dance in Russia and a series of experimental works called Butoh Channel aimed at combining butoh with other dancing techniques.
Valentin Tszin actively teaches his discipline in Russia, Ukraine , Colombia, Germany, Greece, France, the Netherlands. PoemaTheatre's team is constantly changing depending on the projects and geographical areas they work in. Valentin often invites choreographers and dancers from around the world to take part for his projects.
"Body semiotics" - a leading method of creating performances and a basis concept of PoemaTheatre. This method is practised by the actors of theater for more than three years. This method is based on the principle of rejection of the body, as a tool for linear narration and the transition to the zone of an intuitive body, body - symbol.
Precio: 120€
info + inscripciones: miguimandalasol@gmail.com
Organizado por Butohpia Collective and "La Sala de las Bestias"
"Body semiotics" Butoh Workshop by: Valentin Tszin
Began his career as a dramatic actor, and a film actor. After graduating from the Far Eastern State Academy of Art in 2005, he worked as an actor in the Moscow Roman Viktyuk's Theatre, then participated in several projects of DEREVO dance company in Germany.
In 2009 he founded his own company PoemaTheatre in St. Petersburg, Russia. Until now, the whole history of Valentin is associated with his work on this most important project. More than 40 projects in several countries were created. PoemaTheatre's "OUT OF THE
FOREST" performance staged at ARCHSTOYANIE Festival in 2013 is considered to be the most famous project of the group. More than 100 artists took part in the performance.
Valentin has developed the method named "semiotics of the body" for his theatre, which was the result of a comprehensive education in the . Key insight of the method is "attention to his body outside the two points - the mind and the being."
Butoh - a Japanese avant-garde dance - had a major influence on the method. Among Valentin's teachers are well known Japanese masters such as Ko Murobushi, Carlotta Ikeda, Masaki Iwan?, Taketeru Kudo. PoemaTheatre works led to creation of Butoh Village laboratory that develops butoh dance in Russia and a series of experimental works called Butoh Channel aimed at combining butoh with other dancing techniques.
Valentin Tszin actively teaches his discipline in Russia, Ukraine , Colombia, Germany, Greece, France, the Netherlands. PoemaTheatre's team is constantly changing depending on the projects and geographical areas they work in. Valentin often invites choreographers and dancers from around the world to take part for his projects.
"Body semiotics" - a leading method of creating performances and a basis concept of PoemaTheatre. This method is practised by the actors of theater for more than three years. This method is based on the principle of rejection of the body, as a tool for linear narration and the transition to the zone of an intuitive body, body - symbol.
8 de Abril de 2014 Julio
Fechas: 12 y 13 Abril
Horario : 15:30 - 19:30
Coste: 60 € / 2 días. 40 € / 1 día. ( los inscritos después del 8 de Abril 10 € más )
+ info e inscripciones: Lydia, 606 657 712 - lydia_zc@hotmail.com
Se hará un seguimiento personalizado de la danza de cada participante.
Licenciada en Bellas Artes. Descubre la danza butoh en el año 2000 a través de Sua Urana, en un proceso de aprendizaje continuo durante dos años. A partir de 2003 recorre Europa para estudiar con todos aquellos bailarines de butoh que encuentra: Tadashi Endo, Frank Van de Ven, Sumako Koseki, Akira Kasai, Yuko Kaseki, Daisuke Yoshimoto, Hisako Horikawa, etc. Pero el butoh de Masaki Iwana y de Moeno Wakamatsu es el que más le ha inspirado. Trabajando estrechamente con ellos durante 7 años ha desarrollado un pequeño modo propio de bailar. En los últimos años el trabajo con Mónica Valenciano ha ampliado de nuevo su concepción de la danza.
Numerosas actuaciones en España, Francia, Italia, Portugal, Alemania, Inglaterra, Suiza, Luxemburgo, Grecia, Estonia, Rusia, Israel y Japón.
Sus trabajos en video se han mostrado en Festivales, galerías de arte y museos de España, Francia, Portugal, Noruega, Brasil y Estados Unidos.
Video links:
Malas posturas from fernando baena on Vimeo.
27 de Febrero de 2014 Julio
Butoh workshop con Tebby Ramasike
*Tebby Workshop 1 y 2 de marzo de 11:00 a 14:00. Precio 45€ (los dos días)
Inscripción: cuerpotransitorio@hotmail.com
*Performance el 1 de marzo 19:00 - 8€ / 6€ socios del Teatre La villela
Donde: Teatre La Villela - Passeig de L'Exposició 95-97 Poble Sec
Reservas espectáculo: La Vilella: info@lavilella.com / 93 1132015/ whatsapp al 637598146
Ciclo BUTOH JAM BCN con la colaboración de Peregrino 13 Plataforma Creativa.Indicado para todos aquellos bailarines, actores, e investigadores incansables del movimiento, se propone este espacio de creación, escucha y texturas.
Domingo día 2 de marzo, la propuesta es llevarte UNA MASCARA PARA CELEBRAR BAILANDO EL DOMINGO DE CARNAVAL!!! Si no tienes mascara la fabricas de papel, cartón, tela...
El principio de la sección será guiada pero se aceptan sugerencias para las próximas ediciones.
Aportación: 3€
Dirección: C/Santa Carolina nº 64 Barcelona
Imperdible en el Mercat
17 de Febrero de 2014 Julio
Taller de "Body Weather" con Sara Pons -cuerpo-límite-transformación-
Fechas y horario: 22 y 23 de Febrero de 2014, de 11:00 a 14:00
Dónde: "La Sala de las Bestias"
C/ Josep Llimona nº10, El Masnou, Barcelona Ver mapa
(Trenes dirección Mataro/Blanes, parada Ocata)
Precio: 40€ (plazas limitadas)
Se trabajara el cuerpo a niveles muy físicos: resistencia, flexibilidad, apertura y coordinación, así como a niveles de percepción, imaginación, estimulación y concentración.
No se requiere un conocimiento previo del trabajo. Body Weather es una técnica que nace en Japón a finales de los años setenta a partir de las experiencias y la puesta en común de Min Tanaka y Hisako Horikawa.
Sara Pons: Nace en Barcelona, se forma en Danza clásica, contemporánea y Circo. A los 16 años empieza a estudiar Clown y a formar parte de varios grupos de investigación y práctica Clown. Desde hace varios años se interesa e indaga en los fundamentos de la danza Butoh y el Body Weather, formándose con La Cia. Raravis de Andrés Corchero y Rosa Muñoz, Constanza Brcnic y Carmen Torrent, Hisako Horikawa, Rhizome Lee (Subbody Butoh School of Himalaya) IrmeThorman y Yumiko Yoshioka.
Ha trabajado con la Cia. Itaka dansa, Colectivo no Apto, Cia. Malucada, Cia.inuter y Cia.ElOtro, ha Participado en el festival Barcelona en Butoh 2009 y ha bailado en una gira por Alemania, el solo (Always look at the sea) ganador del primer premio de coreografía en el Festival de Stuttgart (Alemania).
12 de Febrero de 2014 Julio
Taller intensivo de Mónica Valenciano
Título del taller: Acústica del movimento Dónde: CRA'P - pràctiques de creació i recerca artística | Anselm Clavé 67, 3r | 08100 Mollet del Vallès
Fechas y horario: del sabado 22 al miercoles 26 de febrero, de 15h a 20h
Se abordará el movimiento como escritura sonora del cuerpo. Partiendo del uso de la respiraciòn, en el entrenamiento de las conexiones físicas entre el movimiento, el espacio y la voz, dando lugar a la desobstaculización y apertura de circuitos internos, permitiendo de este modo la fluidez, modulaciones de la energía
para acceder a la articulación de una gramática del cuerpo (como instrumento resonador de un sentir que piensa). Se explorará la multifocalidad del cuerpo, texturas del movimiento (tactilidad), el desarrollo de la percepción, potencialidad, lugares del movimiento, el estado de presencia como transparencia. En la observación de, qué es lo que te mueve? Inscripciones: info@cra-p.org o 687558878 / 673193446 Precio: 160 eur / 140 eur colaboradores de Cra'p
Monica Valenciano. Bailarina y coreografa sigue estudios de danza clásica, contemporánea y teatro en el Instituto del Teatro de Barcelona y en la RESAD de Madrid. Completa su formación con distintas disciplinas: Yoga Iyengar, R. Laban, improvisación, boxeo, tiro al arco y Taichi en Wudang (China). Desarrolla una linea pedagógica impartiendo cursos y talleres, paralela a su trabajo de creación. Ha realizado y creado, entre otras obras: Aupa, Puntos suspensivos, Miniaturas, Peso gallo. Crea la Compañía El Bailadero, con la que presenta Adivina en Plata y la serie Disparates. Sus obras se han representado en teatros y festivales de España, Europa, EE.UU. y Canadá. El Festival Desviaciones 1999 (Madrid) presento una retrospectiva de su obra y, en 2004, el Festival Escena Contemporánea de Madrid le dedico el ciclo"Perfil". Junto con La Ribot, Blanca Calvo, Elena Cordoba, Olga mesa y Ana Buitrago el colectivo UVI (La inesperada). Participa en diferentes conferencias sobre la escritura del cuerpo, en lecturas poéticas y ha presentado sus dibujos en diferentes exposiciones. En colaboración con Chus Domínguez, investiga el lenguaje del cuerpo en la imagen, compartiendo residencias en creación ("Un pescador con subtítulos", "Impregnaciones en la Srta. Nieve y Guitarra"). Le otorgan el Premio Nacional de Danza 2012 del Ministerio de Educación y Cultura de España.
10 de Febrero de 2014 Julio
Actividades de Yuko Kaseki
Foto: Pak Han
8 Day Butoh Improvisation Workshop PHYSICAL TUNE with Yuko Kaseki
April 3 - 6 + 8 - 11, 2014 at 12 - 17h
Using text (Butoh Founder Tatsumi Hijikata and others) , voice and
sound for inspiring to create new vocabulary of movement. Play with
words to deeper understand then to decompose, disassemble, recompose,
reconsider and remake…. Constantly shifting feeding between -
movement to image, image to movements. Finding own language of visual
and sound. Let’s dancing in babylon. Awareness for sensitivity of
sound and silence, tune to sound of body.
The workshop’s emphasis is to develop original movement through
physical training - details of body awareness, and improvisation with
image, gesture, space, and relationship. Physical training is based
on Noguchi gymnastics, Butoh methodology, and elements of Tai-Chi.
We practice for the whole body to be permeable and awake to deeper
layers of sensitivity. Working from the center of our body (Tanden)
which is our energy source to details of the body. Listening honestly
to the variants of inner body and develop this in relation to the
outer. The workshop offers the possibility to seek and experience in
solo, duet and group improvisations. Through intensity and reduction
everyone can dive deeply into movement and translate it into
individual manifestations. It is important for each person to find a
unique body, reality, and exposure.
Cost: 350 Euro (320 Euro if paid by March 15)
Location: Tatwerk
Hasenheide 9, 10967 Berlin
Gewerbehof - Aufgang 1, 3. OG (U8 Hermann Platz)
Contact: info@cokaseki.com or 0176 23 22 16 51
Activities of Yuko Kaseki
March 1 AMMO-NITE GIG Vol.46, Minako Seki(dance), Yumiko
Tanaka(Shamisen), Kazuhisa Uchihashi(Guitar), DOCK11, Berlin
March 27-30 surnature, DOCK11, Berlin
April 17 surnature, Tanzimpulse, Salzburg, Austria
Class / Workshop
February 14-17 4day Workshop, Marseille, France https://
April 14-17 Tanzimpulse, Salzburg, Austria
28 de Enero de 2014 Julio
Yumiko's News
I am now in Tokyo for 10 weeks,
I see some plum blossoms are already in bloom...
Spring is just around the corner.
I am meeting my sister and friends, practicing Yoga, Taichi and Dance,
my cheeks are melting with the Japanese food,
---Good Food makes Good Mood by Yumiko Yoshioka -----
always surprised in subtle ways by new discoveries in daily matters.
Happy New Moment!
I fully enjoy life in Japan.
On the other hand, I have to be aware of the shadowy part of this land. Japan seemingly looks peaceful…
and yet radiation is still leaking into the ocean of Fukushima, more than 270,000 people are still evacuating, perhaps forever... more than 58 kids in Fukushima were diagnosed with thyroid cancer after the accident...
much higher rate than usual. The political conflicts between Japan and other Asian countries are slowly making the minds of the people more nationalistic as the right - wing politicians are gaining in popularity.
Unfortunately, they support the promotion of nuclear energy as well as the change of the Constitution, which now decisively declares not to use any violent action to solve political conflicts between the nations.
Dancers, artists,
those who love life and nature,
those who are devoted to the exploration and appreciation of the beauty of life,
whatever the name of the genre is,
it is art that has the power (hopefully enable) to change this current flow of our times
in the direction towards peace within ourselves and the world,
that is true joy and delight.
Respecting ourselves is Respecting others.
Respecting the land is Respecting the universe
One is all.
This is that.
I hope we'll be able to meet one day in the future
to dance together with joy,
to explore side by side with delight.
I wish you all the best in your creative and peaceful lives.
Warm hugs
I'd very much appreciate it if you could pass the information below
to those who might be interested in my activities.
14 de Julio de 2013
Minako Seki Company Newsletter
"Human Form 1" at nunOff Festival, Barcelona In this work, I want to blur the boundary between the human body and the artificial body where we can no longer tell fantasy and reality apart. Here, the human body becomes no more than a mere puppet. By stripping the human body to just its form, I am trying to reach into the liminal space between the physical reality and the artificial reality. Human Form 1 20. July 2013 nunOff Festival de Creación Emergente de Barcelona Info: www.nunartbcn.com
Reminder: Seki Method Workshop at tragantDansa, Barcelona 15. - 19. July 2012 Monday - Friday: 10 - 14h LANGUAGE: English LOCATION: tragantDansa c/ Reig i Bonet 23 baixos (Gràcia),08024 Barcelona MORE INFO: www.tragantdansa.com REGISTER: Olga Tragant, info@tragantdansa.com, +34 93 539 89 49 Last Call: only 5 places left for Minako's Summer Spezial Intensive Workshop at Lohra Castle What is the body? The body is movement, digestion, healing, feelings and sprit. I am looking for this within the workshop to share with you an holistic vision. 04. - 11. August 2013 - all day program An intensive week of dance training, healing sessions, meditation and macrobiotic cooking on Lohra Castle, an imposing medieval castle at the edge of the nature reserve "Western Hainleite" - far removed from the world, high above the Thuringian countryside. Schedule: 04. August, 17h - Arrival 11. August, 11h - Departure Location: Lohra Castle Amt Lohra 6, 99759 Großlohra, Germany Arrival: train station Gebra / Hainleite www.openhouses.de
Registration and info: Miranda Markgraf, mail@minakoseki.com, www.minakoseki.com Postponed: Seki Method at Seminarzentrum Sonnenstrahl, Allgäu/Bodensee 1) 27. - 29. 9. 2013 for beginners & advanced 2) 29.9. - 2.10. 2013 for advanced people - in nature and in swimming pool LANGUAGE: English (German is also possible) LOCATION: Seminarzentrum Sonnenstrahl, Sebastian-Kneipp-Strasse 1, 88353 Kisslegg www.seminarzentrum-sonnenstrahl.de INFO/REGISTER: IMPULS & CONTINUUM Gina Gohl * Marktstr. 43 * 88212 Ravensburg * Tel: 0041 – (0)751 – 3526427 Mailto: gina-gohl@web.de * www.impulsundcontinuum.de
20 de Abril de 2013
Body Weather Amsterdam summer 2013 Dear friends and colleagues Find hereunder the program for summer and fall 2013. Application and registration for Apulia and Itxassou now under way. Early bookings recommended. Don't hesitate with any further questions. Best greetings Frank van de Ven Body Weather Amsterdam June 6-9 Body Weather Workshop Apulia South Italy 4 -day intensive workshop. Near the village of Barletta. Info and flyer: Viviana Defazio lescigne@libero.it July 15-20 Body/Landscape Itxassou Pays Basque Workshop embedded within the Errobiko Festival combining work in the studio with hikes through the Pyrenees. Info and flyer: frank.bwa@xs4all.nl August 24-30 Bohemian Rosa the Elbe Sandstone Mountains Czech Republic Body - Site - Exploration Interdisciplinary workshop with Milos Sejn (Academy of Fine Arts Prague) and Frank van de Ven Info and flyer: ms@sejn.cz or frank.bwa@xs4all.nl September 6-12 Body/Landscape Mourne Mountains North Ireland Info and flyer: Seamus Dunbar seamus.dunbar@gmail.com September 14-15 Body Weather Workshop Glasgow Scotland (dates TBC!) Info and flyer: paul henry paul@beeheid.com or frank.bwa@xs4all.nl November 4-10 Body Meets the Imagination Workshop Sydney Australia Work on images with Tess de Quincey and Frank van de Ven http://dequinceyco.net/performances/upcoming/images-from-the-imagination/ 20 de Abril de 2013Taller de Manipulaciones en Huarte, Navarra. Imparte Hisako Horikawa (Niigata, Japon). El taller se impartirá en inglés con traducción al castellano. Info: Marta Pujol tranquilament@hotmail.com Centro de Arte Contemporáneo de Huarte, centrohuarte@centrohuarte.es 20 de Abril de 2013
Body Weather Laboratory (Laboratori Taller ) L'animal a l'esquena (Celrà) Del 25/06/2013 al 29/06/2013 Body Weather Laboratory USA és una organització sense afany de lucre. Body Weather Laboratory (BWL) és un fòrum d'investigació obert a qualsevol persona interessada en l'expressió a través del cos en diferents entorns. Una actitud exigent cap a un re-examen minuciós del cos i del moviment és el tema principal en gairebé tots els aspectes de l'entrenament. El Body Weather Laboratory va ser fundat el 1978 per Min Tanaka al Japó. Els tallers de BWL actualment s’imparteixen per tot el món, ampliant i reinterpretant el format de l'exploració inicial. El taller consta de tres parts: 1) MB (mind and body): Rigorós entrenament ment-cos / músculs-ossos, rítmic i dinàmic. 2) Manipulació: Sèrie d'exercicis d'estirament i relaxació específics relacionats directament amb la respiració i l'alineació. El treball es realitza en parelles, intercanviant rols passius i actius. 3) Body Weather: Exploracions dissenyades per millorar l'enfocament i desenvolupar l'abast de l'expressió a través del cos. El treball inclou entrenament de la sensibilitat i el descobriment del moviment a partir d'imatges.
BWL Los Angeles, porta a terme tallers setmanals i intensius al Teatre Electric Lodge a Venice, Califòrnia. Els tallers intensius de BWL (sovint incorporant la naturalesa i la vida silvestre) s'han convertit en una part integral del desenvolupament del grup de treball regular i ha servit per presentar el treball als nous participants. En la integració de l'entorn natural amb la dansa, els ballarins desenvolupen la sensibilitat necessària per actuar en cada lloc específic. Anteriors tallers i residències inclouen: UCLA, USC, Califòrnia State University, Los Angeles, Scripps College, Pomona, CA, Trinity College, Ireland, Evergreen College, Washington, Art Center, Pasadena CA.; Intensive: Taos NM, Electric Lodge, Venice , Anna Halprin s Mountain Home, Marin Co CA, Universitat de Cape town, South Africa. The Place, London UK. Passepartout, Utrecht Holland. Iugoslàvia-Szubotica (south Sèrbia, Vojvodina regió). Brussels Belgium. La Pommerie, France: Critical Path, Sydney Austràlia, Raravis Studio, Barcelona Spain Info: http://www.lanimal.org, info@lanimal.org 1 de Abril de 2013
inkBoat's "Without Us." Counterpulse, April 5-7 We are going to be squished into a very tiny little space. Want to join us? Central to the landscape of “Without Us” is a 1 meter x 1 meter x 2 meter steel and glass container with three dancers inhabiting it. That exceeds the maximum number of individuals the confines (environment) can support, given the resources available. inkBoat's "Without Us" April 5-7, 2013 all shows at 8pm Directed by Shinichi Iova-Koga, this work draws on a variety of sources, including his previous work with Sleepytime Gorilla Museum’s “Last Human Being,” Alan Weisman’s book “The World Without Us,” and Masanobu Fukuoka’s book “Sowing Seeds in the Desert.” In this first outing of “Without Us,” Suki O’Kane is doing sound design, seeking the acoustic properties of natural materials in this ice, water, sand and rice environment, bolstered by the musical artistry of Dylan Bolles, Jason Ditzian andDohee Lee. Dance: Shinichi Iova-Koga, Dana Iova-Koga, Peiling Kao, Benjamin Jarrett Music: Suki O'Kane, Dylan Bolles, Jason Ditzian and special appearance by Dohee Lee. Set: Frank Lee All shows at 8pm Counterpulse 1310 Mission Street (near 9th) San Francisco In other news, our production "Line Between" just won the Izzie award for "Outstanding Visual Design." Congratulations to Amy Rathbone, Allen Willner, Frank Lee and Alice Wu! Shall we bring it to Japan? Korea? Copyright © 2013 inkBoat, All rights reserved.
A partir del mes de marzo en adelante podréis disfrutar de varias propuestas que giran en torno a la danza Butoh en Madrid. Por una lado, clases regulares los lunes en Espacio en Blanco, facilitadas por Tania Garrido. Los lunes de 17 a 19h. Empiezan el 4 de Marzo. Contacto: tantatania@gmail.com Para el puente de Mayo hay preparado un retiro en el albergue Cielo de la Vera, Butoh y Naturaleza. Se bailará en un entorno natural entre árboles y estrellas. Con Jonathan Martineau y Tania Garrido. Contacto: butosofia@gmail.com y tantatania@gmail.com
Jonathan continua con sus talleres mensuales de fin de semana de subbody butoh,también en Espacio en Blanco. Contacto: butosofia@gmail.com www.cranamour.com http://butosofia.wordpress.com 12 de Noviembre de 2012
(photo by Walter Zimmerman, at Butoh Festival in Wien 2012)
Body Resonance , based on Butoh Dance and Organic Movement Place : at Eden Studios, Breite Strasse 43, Pankow, Berlin Time : Dec. 13 - 16, from 12:30 pm to 6 pm Contact : yumiko-mizelle@gmx.de ( Yumiko Yoshioka) Other updated Information 2012 November 3 - 4 Workshop in Merano (Italy) contact : Martina Marini <martinamarini66@yahoo.it> November 6- 11 Workshop and Solo Performance "Before the Dawn" in Barcelona Butoh Festival Ken Mai is also invited to the festival contact : Rosana <cuerpotransitorio@hotmail.com> The main focus of this workshop is a conscious research of our body/mind/soul unification, so we can deeply enjoy the intrinsic process of metamorphosis through the spirit of dance. Through a continuous exploration of our past collective memories, we can strike a vein of abundant creative resources, enriching the essence of our life. The body is a receptacle of time. Body resonance is a key to open up the doors of ever-changing world inside and outside of us, which helps the body to unfold its secrets, holding them up until they shine and tremble. Everything is in resonance with each other. Through a dialogue with our body, we can learn to be moved by inner and outer forces, thus realizing we are a part of the Universe. A dance of metamorphosis inevitably appears. 2013 March 6/7 Workshop in Bangkok, March workshop in Koh Samui (Thailand) May 3- 5 Workshop in Paris and Spain May /June Workshop and Performance in 4 cities in Mexico August 8 - 17 Summer Intensive Workshop at Schloss Broellin in Germany November workshop project in Cuzco (Peru) -- Yumiko Yoshioka (TEN PEN CHii art labor) c/o Schloss Broellin, D- 17309 Fahrenwalde, Germany cellure phone +49-175-780-9991 (only in Europe) http://www.ne.jp/asahi/butoh/itto/yumiko 12 de Noviembre de 2012
CAVE, News Letter
AcTS - At Home Series with Moeno Wakamatsu
This season's At Home Series offers an exciting way to be an active spectator by presenting the practice-work of Moeno Wakamatsu. This AcTS is part performance, part demonstration, part lecture, and part hands on exploration into the principles surrounding the processes of LEIMAY and its guest teachers. You can choose to participate as an observer audience or physically by joining the exercises and explorations.
This weekend!
Summer European tour experience:
We returned from Europe little more than a month ago!!! We had a great time and we worked A LOT! We were included in Robert Wilson's new pieceFranz Liszt Via Crucis presented in Germany as part of the Kunsfest Weimar. LEIMAY had an installation piece as well as Shige's video work as part of the main stage. It was a very valuable experience for us and we came back inspired, refreshed and ready to hit the ground running! We like to share photos from our time in Europe- in case you are curious.
Check out the art work, some fun moments and gorgeous architecture!
4 de Noviembre de 2012
News Letter Lado B(utô) Company y Kinukoproduction
Octubre Desde el día 24 Laboratorio de Danza Butoh, dirigido por Gonzalo Catalinas. Cada miércoles desde las 21:00 hasta las 22:30 h. Sitio: Centro de actividades culturales LA VENTANA CULTURAL,Zaragoza. www.laventanacultural.com ¿Cómo inscribirse? Envía un email a cheraah@gmail.com o llama al 666481260 o pregunta en el centro: info@laventanacultural.com y 9764442 Precio: 10 euros cada sesión. Dia 26 Clase de demostración de Teatro-Danza dirigida por Dara Siligato Horario: desde las 20:00 hasta Las 22:00 h. Sitio: Centro de actividades culturales LA VENTANA CULTURAL,Zaragoza. www.laventanacultural.com Precio: 15 euros Info y reservas: 976444256 – 690166910 y kinukoproduction@ymail.com
Noviembre Desde el día 5 Curso de Danza Contemporánea impartido por Dara Siligato. Los lunes desde las 12:00 hasta las 13:30 h. Los miércoles desde las 19:30 hasta las 21:00 h. Sitio: Centro de actividades culturales LA VENTANA CULTURAL,Zaragoza. Info (precio) y reservas: www.laventanacultural.com, kinukoproduction@ymail.com y 976444256-690166910 Días 1, 2, 3 y 4 de Noviembre: Taller de Danza Butoh “Cuerpo y Sonido” impartido por Dara Siligato y Gonzalo Catalinas Poética: El Cuerpo, la Vibración en viaje hasta el devenir. Sonidos revelados, descubiertos, surgen de la memoria y se funden con el cuerpo poético y evocador. Afrontar la crisis de los sistemas codificados, las técnicas vocales, la estética del movimiento. Cris “is” una posibilidad para todos. El trabajo sobre el cuerpo: Se plantean momentos de trabajo individual y colectivos para estimular y equilibrar el movimiento natural. La relación con otros organismos y con la vida que fluye dentro de nosotros, como “cajas de resonancia”. El cuerpo colectivo y el cuerpo múltiple, el cuerpo individual y el cuerpo-voz. Movimiento orgánico e inorgánico, activo y pasivo. La danza del silencio. El nuevo Ritual. Información importante: • Los retiros en Casa Cuadrau se desarrollan en un entorno de libre de intoxicantes, sin tabaco ni alcohol. • Se ofrecen unas meditaciones adicionales a las 6:30am para los interesados. • Alojamiento: los dormitorios son simples pero confortables. • Existe la opción de hospedarse en habitación doble en una casa rural dentro de la aldea, participando en todas nuestras actividades y comidas (solicitar más información). • Comidas: se ofrecen únicamente comidas vegetarianas. • Ten en cuenta que en Vió no hay tiendas accesibles, así que traer todo lo que podáis necesitar. • ¿Cómo llegar? Nota: si vienes en coche, hay una nueva ruta de Zaragoza – Huesca -Sabiñanigo – Fiscal – Fanlo – Vió. • ¿Qué traer? http://www.casacuadrau.org/informacion-general/ que-traer/ Tarifas: Alojamiento a pensión completa 140 €
Donaciones* por las enseñanzas 110 € * Las enseñanzas se ofrecen con el corazón, sabiendo que no tienen precio. Tradicionalmente en India, las enseñanzas se ofrecen a cambio de donaciones (Dana). Generalmente el estudiante ofrece al profesor el equivalente a su salario, es decir, si uno toma un curso de una semana, la donación será el equivalente al salario de una semana. Los baremos sugeridos son meramente orientativos y responden a unos mínimos necesarios para cubrir los costes Las RESERVAS se hacen directamente con los facilitadores del curso: Dara Siligato: Tel 690166910, kinukoproduction@ymail.com Gonzalo Catalinas: Tel 666481260, cheraah@gmail.com www.casacuadrau.org :::KINUKOPRODUCTION::: performingArt Y Compañía Lado B(utô) http://www.darasiligato.blogspot.com http://gonzalo.catalinas.es
4 de Noviembre de 2012
Yuko Kaseki, Memorandum
Dear all, this saturday 8 Day workshop will start! We are looking forward! There is still limited place available, for full workshop, or for select days. If to attend, please contact as soon as possible to arrange! also... Wednesday training is running until December 5th! Changing Lot, 3 solo dance works at Dock11 will be on November 15th - 18th. Thanks a lot! warm greetings Yuko
8 day workshop –3 BODY HINTERLAND (elements of movement and place) with Mari Osanai, Isak Immanuel, Yuko Kaseki October 27 - November 4, 2012 (off day Oct 29) at 11:00-17:00h EDEN***** STUDIOS Breite Straße 43 / 13187 Berlin - Pankow www.dock11-berlin.de Cost: 380 euro Info: info@cokaseki.com This is a rare chance of three different aspects of movement investigation with teachers from Japan and USA. Mari Osanai (Aomori) leads from her minimalist synthesis of Noguchi Taiso and contemporary methods of opening body sensitivity and efficiency. Isak Immanuel (San Francisco) engages inquiries to site/sight specific bodies from a unique combination of conceptual and physical practices. Yuko Kaseki (Berlin) investigates Butoh influenced improvisational work with spatial awareness, permeation, transformation, and dynamism. Throughout the eight days, each teacher exchanges in the leading of a focused practice and exploration. "Your weight is thought and thought is image. " -Michizo Noguchi MARI OSANAI is an Independent dance artist, choreographer and Noguchi Taiso (gymnastics) instructor. Born in Aomori city Japan, she was trained in Classical Ballet and Modern Dance at early age and later studied Tai-chi, Jazz dance, Noguchi Taiso, and in the classes of Hironobu Oikawa. Her unique and complex movements are created interweaving these techniques. Particularly Noguchi Taiso and its theory has had a great influence on her creations. She is a minimalist of dance. In 1980, she started teaching, choreographing, and performing as an independent dance artist in Japan. in 1994, she began performing overseas, and has performed in Canada, USA, and Greece. ISAK IMMANUEL is an interdisciplinary artist, dancer, and choreographer working internationally in unconventional spaces, theaters, galleries, and for camera. He is the artistic director of the performance and exhibition series Tableau Stations. Recent work has been as a fellowship recipient from the Japan-US Friendship Commission and the National Endowment for the Arts in Japan, at the Taipei Artist Village and HweiLan International Artists Workshop in Taiwan, Fabrica Europa in Italy, Dock11 in Berlin, CESTA in the Czech Republic, and at New Langton Arts, CounterPULSE, and Djerassi in the SF Bay Area. Notable past work has been with Anna Halprin, Koichi and Hiroko Tamano, Katsura Kan, Thomas Langhoff, Shinichi Iova-Koga, Yuko Kaseki, and Luigi Coppola. www.tableaustations.org YUKO KASEKI is a Butoh dancer, performer, choreographer and teacher, based in Berlin since 1995. She studied Butoh Dance and Performing Art in HBK Baunschweig with Anzu Furukawa and danced her company Dance Butter Tokio and Verwandlngsamt in 1989-2000. She is co- founder of the dance company cokaseki in 1995 with Marc Ates. Solos, ensemble performances and Improvisations, are performed throughout Europe, Japan, Taiwan, Korea, Canada, Mexico, Uruguay, Argentina, Australia, and the USA. These theme-driven works incorporate Butoh, contemporary dance, visual design, texts, and soundscapes. Since 2004, she organizes and performs apart of the improvisation series AMMO-NITE GIG (Vol.1-39+),with many international musicians, dancers, and performance artists. Past collaborations include: inkBoat (SF), CAVE (NY), Degenerate Art Ensemble (Seattle), Tableau Stations (SF), Theater Thikwa (Berlin) and many others. www.cokaseki.com
10x Wednesday Training with Yuko Kaseki, Isak Immanuel, and guest Wednesday at 20:00 - 22:00h (October 3 – December 5, 2012) ada studio Uferstudios / Studio 7 Uferstraße 8/23, 13357 Berlin – Wedding www.ada-studio.de Cost: 110 euro for 10 classes / Drop in 13 euro Information: info@cokaseki.com Body training led by weekly changing teachers from different backgrounds, including: Butoh, Noguchi Gymnastics, Contemporary Dance, Physical Theatre, Qigong, and spatial Improvisation. We will explore the dynamics of conditioning a pliable sensitive body relative to change. Exercises are developed for moving with image, release, and fluidity between the tactile everyday body and non-human awareness. Shifting between spaces and layers of perception and orientation, physical imagination opens. Activities 2012-2013 November 15-18 Changing Lot, 3 solo dance works by Mari Osanai, Isak Immanuel and Yuko Kaseki, Dock11, Berlin March 2013 International Butoh Workshop in the Rainforest, Puerto Maldonado, Peru (contact: info@cokaseki.com)
24 de Octubre de 2012
Barcelona en Butoh 2012
A continuación os copiamos el email de Rosana Barra, del Festival Barcelona en Butoh:
Barcelona en Butoh 2012 Esta es la 5ª edición del festival, este año tenemos una programación muy reducida contando con tan solo 4 funciones y 3 workshops; Todos sabemos las dificultades que atraviesa el país y las artes en general pero gracias a un esfuerzo colectivo y pequeños apoyos hemos logrado mantener la existencia de este evento que ya habita en el corazón de muchos amantes de la danza. ¿Por qué Barcelona? Gracias a sus innumerables espacios no convencionales y sus personas: programadores, artistas, creadores, y amigos con ganas de descubrir y apoyar proyectos como esté podemos seguir existiendo. Espero que por muchos años más. Muchas gracias a Barcelona y su gente. Saludos Rosana Barra
Composition Workshop in Berlin From Seeing to Composing // From Observing the Ambience to Shaping the Stage //
From Watching the Surroundings to the Creation of a Choreography //No matter where you are, everything you see has choreographic potential. We will learn a technique to elicit this potential by using small paper frames and drawing the image that we see through the frame onto small cards. (Don‘t worry about drawing skills. This isn‘t about graphical aspects.) The resulting drawing is the starting point for a scene. The drawing becomes a framework that we transfer to the stage and the motion within it. The next step is translating the picture into improvised movement. The scene‘s character, dynamic or underlying quality emerges at this point. Soon, many cards and drawings accumulate, each representing a different scene. Now, we can arrange and re-arrange them, create connections and segues. Creation is found.
DATES 23.11 - 25.11 2012
TIME 3 days, 15 hours Fri: 23.11, 15 - 20h Sat, Sun: 24. - 25.11, 11 - 16h
STATUS/QUALIFICATION The Course is suitable for everybody, who already did at least one Workshop with Minako Seki.
PRICE 170€, or 150€ if you apply before 20. October 2012
LANGUAGE English (German is also possible)
LOCATION LaborGras Paul-Lincke-Ufer 44A 10999 Berlin www.laborgras.com "Existence" in Zaragoza, Spain The human race is constantly struggling to find their way between two poles: the instinct of survival and the capability to reach a peaceful state of existence. There is a special power in the endurance of a persisting illness. My sister has always suffered illness; half her life she was ill with cancer. Her hope of defeating cancer (and at times defeat it she did!) gave her a certain appearance. Her hope gave hope to others. Her acceptance of the illness and her hope turned into happiness. Because of her healing powers and her illuminated personality she became a medium to heal others. Minako Seki Existence is a journey which leads us towards the human perception of existence, which shimmers between the conscious and the unconscious.
DATES 15. + 16. November 2012
LOCATION Teatro de las EsquinasZaragoza, Spain
CONTACT/INFO victoriavaldearcos@gmail.com Tel.: 665 95 76 18
Composition for Dance Workshop in Zaragoza, Spain
„I want you to experience that reality is not only objectivity, and that dance is more than the movement of the body.” Minako Seki The Seki Method is based on simple essential principles of nature and physics, and their transformation into the dancing body. We work with the TanDen, centre of the body and origin of energy and movement. Likewise Perception and Imagination are important aspects. We improvise with single, couple and group exercises to become aware of compositions and constellations in space, to establish an outer and inner awareness and to enlarge the presence of our body.
DATES 17. + 18. November 2012
LOCATION Teatro de las EsquinasZaragoza, Spain
CONTACT/INFO victoriavaldearcos@gmail.com Tel.: 665 95 76 18
9 de Octubre de 2012
8 Day Workshop and Wednesday Training in Berlin
Dear Movers! Reminder of our 8 Day Workshop, starting from end of October. The deadline for a reduced price is October 15th, don't miss it!
Also, Wednesday night training will be continued until December 5th. See Below for full details. We appreciate if you are able to spread the word!!! Thanks a lot and enjoy colored leaves and blue sky. Yuko 8 day workshop –3 BODY HINTERLAND (elements of movement and place) with Mari Osanai, Isak Immanuel, Yuko Kaseki October 27 - November 4, 2012 (off day Oct 29) at 11:00-17:00h EDEN***** STUDIOS Breite Straße 43 / 13187 Berlin - Pankow www.dock11-berlin.de Info: info@cokaseki.com fon: 0176 23 22 16 51 This is a rare chance of three different aspects of movement investigation with teachers from Japan and USA. Mari Osanai (Aomori) leads from her minimalist synthesis of Noguchi Taiso and contemporary methods of opening body sensitivity and efficiency. Isak Immanuel (San Francisco) engages inquiries to site/sight specific bodies from a unique combination of conceptual and physical practices. Yuko Kaseki (Berlin) investigates Butoh influenced improvisational work with spatial awareness, permeation, transformation, and dynamism. Throughout the eight days, each teacher exchanges in the leading of a focused practice and exploration.
"Your weight is thought and thought is image. " -Michizo Noguchi 10x Wednesday Training with Yuko Kaseki, Isak Immanuel, and guest Wednesday at 20:00 - 22:00h (October 3 – December 5, 2012) ada studio Uferstudios / Studio 7 Uferstraße 8/23, 13357 Berlin – Wedding www.ada-studio.de Information: info@cokaseki.com Body training led by weekly changing teachers from different backgrounds, including: Butoh, Noguchi Gymnastics, Contemporary Dance, Physical Theatre, Qigong, and spatial Improvisation. We will explore the dynamics of conditioning a pliable sensitive body relative to change. Exercises are developed for moving with image, release, and fluidity between the tactile everyday body and non-human awareness. Shifting between spaces and layers of perception and orientation, physical imagination opens. Activities 2012-2013 November 15-18 Changing Lot, 3 solo dance works by Mari Osanai, Isak Immanuel and Yuko Kaseki, Dock11, Berlin March 2013 International Butoh Workshop in the Rainforest, Puerto Maldonado, Peru (contact: info@cokaseki.com) www.cokaseki.com www.youtube.com/cokaseki http://tanzforumberlin.de/archiv.php#K
2 de Octubre de 2012
Butoh workshop by Slava/ Yumiko in Berlin
Slava Inozemcev gives a butoh workshop in Berlin in his method of Five Elements. He is a director of InZhest Theatre in Minsk, also performing in our TEN PEN CHii new production YOKU-BOU at Dock 11 in Berlin Slava's Workshop Place : Theaterhaus Mitte Berlin (Wallstrasse 32) Time : 8.-11. October from 5 pm to 10 pm. Price : 170 €. Registration : sonja@sonjasalkowitsch.com Read more about his work on http://inzhest.belorus.by
2 de Octubre de 2012
Yumiko's News : Performance and Butoh Workshop in Berlin
TEN PEN CHii art labor presents his new production "YOKU-BOU" in Berlin Time : October 4 - 7 at 8:30 pm Place : at Dock 11, Kastanienallee 79, Berlin contact : yumiko-mizelle@gmx.de
Further undated information Winter Workshop in Berlin by Yumiko Yoshioka Body Resonance , based on Butoh Dance and Organic Movement Place : at Eden Studios, Breite Strasse 43, Pankow, Berlin Time : Dec. 13 - 16, from 12:30 pm to 6 pm Price : 180€ (registration before Nov 15) 200€ (registration after Nov 16) Contact : yumiko-mizelle@gmx.de ( Yumiko Yoshioka)
The main focus of this workshop is a conscious research of our body/mind/soul unification, so we can deeply enjoy the intrinsic process of metamorphosis through the spirit of dance. Through a continuous exploration of our past collective memories, we can strike a vein of abundant creative resources, enriching the essence of our life. The body is a receptacle of time. Body resonance is a key to open up the doors of ever-changing world inside and outside of us, which helps the body to unfold its secrets, holding them up until they shine and tremble. Everything is in resonance with each other. Through a dialogue with our body, we can learn to be moved by inner and outer forces, thus realizing we are a part of the Universe.
October 12 - 14 Workshop in Athens contact : Rena Konstantaki <rmkk1893@otenet.gr> October 18 - 21 Workshop and Solo Performance "Before the Dawn" in Vienna Butoh Festival Sonja Heller is also going to teach and perform in this Festival. contact : Daniela Lehner <office@danimayu.com> October 26 - 28 Workshop in Salzburg contact : tanzimpulse Salzburg <workshops2010@tanzimpulse.at> (Peter) November 2- 4 Workshop in Merano (Italy) contact : Martina Marini <martinamarini66@yahoo.it> November 6- 11 Workshop and Solo Performance "Before the Dawn" in Barcelona Butoh Festival Ken Mai is also invited to the festival contact : Rosana <cuerpotransitorio@hotmail.com> 2013 March Workshop in Thailand (Bangkok, Koh Samui) May 3- 5 Workshop in Paris and Spain May /June Workshop and Performance in 5 cities in Mexico August 8 - 17 Summer Intensive Workshop at Schloss Broellin in Germany November workshop project in Cusco (Peru) Yumiko Yoshioka (TEN PEN CHii art labor) c/o Schloss Broellin, D- 17309 Fahrenwalde, Germany cellure phone +49-175-780-9991 (only in Europe) http://www.ne.jp/asahi/butoh/itto/yumiko
2 de Octubre de 2012
Weekly Seki Method Training : Next Period
Kunstquartier Bethanien Mariannenplatz 2 1. OG rechts, Raum 142 10997 Berlin
SEKI METHOD TRAINING in Berlin Open Training for Performers, Dancers and Movers. The Training starts with methods of relaxation and qigong to free our movements and to slowly bring heat to our bodies. This is followed by training of SEKI METHOD movement exercises and lead improvisations, where we take time to really get into the qualities of the movement. We finish the sessions with strechings and massages/manipulations to thank our body and make him stay well and feel good. No need to register or to apply. Just come and join whenever you feel like it and try! We’ll never let you alone and try to support everyone individually. 01. October – 17. December 2012 Every Monday 19 – 21 hrs Seki Method The Seki Method is based on simple essential principles of nature and physics, and their transformation into the dancing body. We work with the TanDen, centre of the body and origin of energy and movement. Likewise Perception and Imagination are important aspects. We improvise with single, couple and group exercises to become aware of compositions and constellations in space, to establish an outer and inner awareness and to enlarge the presence of our body.Location STUDIO 142
Contact / Info
1 de Octubre de 2012
Curso de butoh de Joelle Gruenberg
Miércoles de septiembre, octubre y noviembre En espacio en blanco: calle Mira el sol 5-7, embajadores. De 6 a 8 pm. 60 euros mes / 15 euros clase Cuando observamos pausadamente la naturaleza; una montaña, una piedra o una flor se pueden transformar ante nuestra percepción y así se nos revelan nuevas formas. Entrar en el tiempo de las cosas de la naturaleza es una invitación a viajar por el universo de los elementos que la conforman. Nuestro cuerpo es un universo similar, este taller es una invitación para bailar dentro de nuestros propios paisajes. Joelle Gruenberg. Lima 1976 Vive y trabaja en Madrid desde 2005 Estudio danza contemporánea y coreografía en Laban Centre de Londres, Joelle descubre la danza butoh en el 2001 a través de Yumiko Yoshioka.Trabaja como bailarina independiente creando sus propias performances y desde 2004 baila con la compañía Ten Pen Chii Art Labor dirigida por Yumiko Yoshioka en Alemania.
1 de Octubre de 2012
KaRbALa BuToH TeaTrODaNzA Compañía de Danza Popular Contemporánea Rosario-Barcelona-Menorca Tel.: 669934839 / 618354543 E-mail: karbalabarna@gmail.com www.karbalabutoh.blogspot.com www.creaturahumana.blogspot.com
Agenda Yuko Kaseki
10x Wednesday Training with Yuko Kaseki, Isak Immanuel, and guest Wednesday at 20:00 - 22:00h (October 3 - December 5, 2012) Cost: 110 euro for 10 classes / Drop in 13 euro Information: info@cokaseki.com ada studio Uferstudios / Studio 7 Uferstrasse 8/23, 13357 Berlin www.ada-studio.de 8 day workshop 3 BODY HINTERLAND (elements of movement and place) with Mari Osanai, Isak Immanuel, Yuko Kaseki October 27 - November 4, 2012 (off day Oct 29) at 11:00-17:00h Cost: 380 euro Info: info@cokaseki.com fon: 0176 23 22 16 51 EDEN***** STUDIOS Breite Strasse 43 / 13187 Berlin - Pankow www.dock11-berlin.de
14 de Septiembre de 2012
Workshop EL PLAER I LES POSICIONS por Rosa Muñoz 12, 13 y 14 de Octubre de 2012
Viernes 12 de 17 a 20hs. Sábado 13 de 17 a 20hs. Domingo 14 de 10.30 a 14hs. Organiza: Asociación Cultural Cuerpo Sin Organos. Compañía Karbala. Lugar: Centre Holistic Dirección: c/ Marius Verdaguer nº 22. Ciudadela de Menorca. España. 70€ Valor general 60€ Alumnos Karbala (Posibilidad de alojamiento para quienes vienen de fuera)
Para informarte y reservar tu plaza comunícate con nosotros en el 669934839 o en karbalabarna@gmail.com
14 de Septiembre de 2012
14 de Septiembre de 2012
- SeptiembreDel 2 al 7 de septiembre. Butoh y otros tesoros. Con Penélope Guisasola y Nazaret Laso. Un viaje hacia dentro. Guiados por la conciencia de nuestros líquidos, la solidez de nuestros huesos, la energía de nuestros músculos y la plenitud del respirar. A esto añadiremos la imaginación, el sonido de las hojas, la presencia de la tierra, el vuelo del mosquito o la luz.Del 9 al 15 de septiembre. Taller de Permacultura Práctica. Con Andrew Zionts y David Arribas Cubero. Con las manos en la tierra: junt@s hacia una vida en armonía con la Naturaleza. En este curso trataremos de dar pautas prácticas para la incorporación de la Permacultura en nuestra vida cotidiana tanto en el campo como en la ciudad. Aprenderemos maneras naturales y sostenibles para mejorar relaciones sociales y nuestra interacción con y en la Naturaleza.
- Del 22 al 23 de septiembre. I Encuentro CrudiVegano. Salud, sanación, cocina, nutrición...
- OctubreDel 11 al 14 de octubre. Retiro de Yoga y Constelaciones Familiares con Andrew Zionts Abrams. Práctica de Yoga intenso en armonía con la Naturaleza para todos los niveles: meditación, pranayama, asana, yoga nidra, yin yoga y constelaciones familiares.
Asoc. Cult. La Semilla
El Realillo nº 24. Bolonia- Cádiz
Facebook, grupo La SemillaBolonia
CÍA BÀTÁFURAI: Agenda de Actividades
Adaptación desde la danza teatro Butoh del Cuentacuentos tradicional japonés Kamishibai.
Residencia Artística
Taller de danza
Jueves de 10 a 13h
14 de Septiembre de 2012
4 dias intensivo de danza Butoh con Atsushi Takenouchi en Teatro Laboratorio-Barcelona 16,17,18,19 DE SEPTIEMBRE
Toda vida ha nacido de la tierra. Des del origen, el ser humano ha bailado en el suelo de esta tierra. Es importante saber y ser conscientes de nuestro cuerpo como una parte de esta gran circulación. En este workshop vamos a trabajar en el movimiento de nuestro cuerpo, a reconocer la conexión entre la naturaleza, el medio ambiente y tú, a través del entrenamiento de Jinen Butoh.
Atsushi nos guiará hacia como crear nuestra danza a partir de esta toma de conciencia, y nos permitirá saber que podemos transformar nuestro entorno en danza. En este taller, se explorará la gravedad del cuerpo, el movimiento y el equilibrio, la imaginación del cuerpo, como transformar el estado interno a lo externo, visible y lo invisible, caminatas, movimiento consciente e inconsciente, un diálogo entre el cuerpo y tu entorno, con la práctica básica de Butoh. Así sentiremos la conexión entre nuestro cuerpo y la naturaleza, y también la experiencia de nuestro entorno como una parte más de nuestro cuerpo. Descubriremos cómo surge el movimiento del cuerpo y se convierte en danza.
MAS INFORMACIÓN E INSCRIPCIÓN: atsushibarcelona@gmail.com
Tlf: 656 307 570 (Tove-Elena)
El viernes 18 en La Ventana Cultural, en Zaragoza. Para el fin de semana que viene taller intensivo en la Sala Saltamontes de Valencia. También se presentarán su nueva pieza "Allegro ma non troppo": el sábado 26 y el domingo 27 a las 20:30h
Danza Butoh + Contact Improvisation con Ariel Procajlo
ÚLTIMO DÍA DE INSCRIPCIÓN!!! EL TALLER NO SE REALIZA SI NO HAY UN MÍNIMO DE INSCRIPTOS Maquina de Contacto Taller de Butoh + Contact Improvisation con Ariel Procajlo Centro Cívico Barceloneta c/ Conreria 1-9 08003-barcelona ccbarceloneta@bcn.cat tel: 93 256 33 00 sábado 5 de mayo de 10y30hr a 14y30hr y de 16hr a 20hr ¡¡8h = €31!! Ocho horas de intenso trabajo. Por la mañana nos centraremos en técnica de contact improvisation, despertar la sensibilidad unificando el cuerpo y la mente, desarrollar la idea de espacio esférico, profundizando en el trabajo corporal y el riesgo físico. Trabajaremos sobre la confianza en nuestro cuerpo y la ampliación de sus límites. Por la tarde nos sumergiremos en Butoh, de lleno en un trabajo psicofísico intenso que nos proporcione las herramientas con las que romper nuestros patrones físicos y alcanzar una danza propia, encontrando la subjetividad que yace en nuestros huesos... Los espero... ARIEL PROCAJLO bailarín, actor, masajista, practicante del ZEN ,Taichi y Hatha Yoga. Investigador del cuerpo, su movimiento y expresión. Más de 20 años de experiencia en la danza contemporánea y técnicas corporales afines. Como docente, especializado en Danza Contemporánea, Relajación en Movimiento, Butoh y Contact Improvisation. Como artista escénico desarrolla su danza desde una estética a medio camino entre el conciente y el inconciente. Actualmente reside en la isla de Menorca donde dirige y baila en la COMPAÑIA KARBALA Danzas Comtemporáneas.
8 Day Butoh Inprovisation Workshop Frontier in Body with Yuko Kaseki
June 1 - 3 & 5 – 9, 2012 (June 1 at 17:30-21h, June 2–3+5-9 at 10-16h)
Dig and cultivate body as frontier, to find out hidden untouched field of emotions, memories and sensations... Research each details of body parts, to devide and reconnect. Observing habit of movement in socialized function. Dysfunktion is a way of creation, to find new layer of vision and body system.
The workshop’s emphasis is to develop original movement through physical training - details of body awareness, and improvisation with image, gesture, space, and relationship. Physical training is based on Noguchi gymnastics, Butoh methodology, and elements of Tai-Chi. We practice for the whole body to be permeable and awake to deeper layers of sensitivity. Working from the center of our body (Tanden) which is our energy source. Listening honestly to the variants of inner body and develop this in relation to the outer. The workshop offers the possibility to seek and experience in solo, duet and group improvisations. Through intensity and reduction everyone can dive deeply into movement and translate it into individual manifestations. It is important for each person to find a unique body, reality, and exposure.
Location: EDEN Breitestrasse 43 13187 Berlin Tel: 030 - 35120312 www.dock11-berlin.de
Contact: yuko@cokaseki.com / www.cokaseki.com 0176 23 22 16 51
Cost: 380 Euro (330 Euro if paid by May 15) Transfer to: Yuko Kaseki Sparkasse Berlin Kt.nr.: 34 621 377 BLZ: 100 500 00 IBAN: DE87 1005 0000 0034 6213 77 BIC-/SWIFT-Code: BE LA DE BE
Yuko Kaseki is a dancer, choreographer and teacher based in Berlin. Kaseki was the primary dancer in Anzu Furukawa's company Dance Butter Tokio and Verwandlungsamt. She founded the dance company cokaseki with Marc Ates in 1995. Solo-, ensemble performances, collaborations and improvisations are performed throughout Europe, Canada, Mexico, Uruguay, Argentina, Korea, Taiwan, Japan and the U.S. Long collaboration with inkBoat (SF), also CAVE (NY), Isak Immanuel/Tableau Stations (SF), Theater Thikwa (Berlin) and others. She organises improvisation series “AMMO-NITE GIG” in Berlin and performs with international performers and musicians. Nomination: “Kudan“ by Toyota Choreography Award in Tokyo, Japan. “Tooboe” by “Outstanding Production”, The Dora Mavor Moore Awards 2007 in Toronto, Canada. “Let My Fish Loose” by “no-ballet, International Dance Competition 2007”, Ludwigshafen, Germany.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Activities of Yuko Kaseki 2012April 19, Improvisation with Satoh Yukie, Creative Bar, Seoul April 22, Improvisation with Sung Kuk Kan, Satoh Yukie, Seoul April 28-29, Neue Musiktage, Ulm, Germany May 6 Improvisation, Tanzfabrik, Berlin, Germany May 19-20 AMMO-NITE GIG Vol.34, DOCK11, Berlin, Gemany June 21-24 Unspelled, DOCK11, Berlin, Germany August 9-12 AMMO-NITE GIG Vol.35-38, DOCK11, Berlin, Germany September 20 - Strange Flower(working title), Theater Thikwa, F40, Berlin, Germany -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Yuko Kaseki
23 de Marzo de 2012 Presentación de Microdanza
23 de Marzo de 2012 Newsletter Ink Boat, Marzo 2012
20 de Marzo de 2012
29 de Febrero de 2012
Greetings dancers, movers and artists, A quick missive. A list of dates and places for training and performing in the next months. And just a few hours away is a training at ODC Commons (Monday!). For more info: http://www.inkboat.com. In chronological order: February 27 & 29: Shinichi teaching at ODC Dance Commons, San Francisco DISCIPLINES FOR THE HIDDEN BODY 10am - 12pm 351 Shotwell St. March 6,7: LINE BETWEEN, at Vancouver International Dance Festival Roundhouse Performance Centre (Pacific and Davis Streets) 8pm showtime Tickets: http://vidf.ca/tickets.html For more information, call 604.662.4966 April 18: THE CRAZY CLOUD COLLECTION at Arcata Playhouse April 27, 28: THE CRAZY CLOUD COLLECTION at Highways, Santa Monica May 1: THE CRAZY CLOUD COLLECTION at CAVE, New York May 5: THE CRAZY CLOUD COLLECTION at The Painted Bride, Philadelphia 8pm showtime 230 Vine Street, Philadelphia 215.925.9914 http://www.paintedbride.org/dance-with-the-bride/the-crazy-cloud-collection/ May 9: Shinichi teaching at Conservatory of Dance, San Francisco DISCIPLINES FOR THE HIDDEN BODY 5:30pm-7pm 301 Eighth St. (corner of 8th and Folsom) San Francisco, CA 94103 (415) 640-7009 May 12: THE CRAZY CLOUD COLLECTION at San Francisco International Arts Festival, SF 9pm showtime Marines Memorial Theater 609 Sutter Street, San Francisco http://www.sfiaf.org/tickets/ May 21-24: Workshop by Koyano Tetsuro at inkGround This year we are honored to have Koyano-san come to teach in place of our yearly DANCE on LAND.
El domingo 25 a las 20:00h en Espacio Paracultural Gromeló. Un trabajo artístico de Danza Butoh y Danza Teatro que se representará en Espacio Paracultural Gromeló: por el bailarín Gonzalo Catalinas y las bailarinas Dara Siligato y Victoria Valdearcos.
Precio de la entrada: 6€
inkBoat On Tour: The Crazy Cloud Collection
photo by Pak Han
The Crazy Cloud Collection is a collision, a contradiction, a collaboration. Choreographed in 2010 by Ko Murobushi and inkBoat’s Shinichi Iova-Koga, Crazy Cloud returns for a North American tour this spring. The two co-directing artists – one recognized at the leading inheritor of Hijkata’s Butoh, the other, an inventor of a hybrid style of physical theater, Butoh and martial arts – invite a third collaborator to share the stage: the ghost of rebel monk Ikkyu. Carla Kihlstedt, Matthias Bossi & Shahzad Ismaily created the sound score for Crazy Cloud, a paradoxical experience that Bossi describes as “a waking dream in which a trusted ally tells you that everything is the right answer, but that the EVERYTHING must be distilled, essentialized. It represented the co-mingling of complete freedom, ultimate restraint, and unbridled bravery.” Contributing artist Sherwood Chen illustrates the improvisatory tasks used to mine and morph movement material: “evoking the centered and fluid yurei (ghost) movement, inarticulate thirst in the body, transforming from Ikkyu himself to his blind musician lover Shinjo who was decades his junior, tracking the crow’s caw which legend says instantaneously induced in himsatori (enlightenment), and embodying a mercurial mirage-memory of Shinjo.” Along with these movement and sound interpretations, in Crazy Cloud Iova-Koga and Murobushi collect the poetry, history, legends, and all the possible identities of the enigmatic Ikkyu and weave them into an intimate and irreverent, subtly smiling koan. only one koan matters you ~Ikkyu Ikkyu (1394-1481) is considered one of the most significant and eccentric figures in Zen Buddhism. The facts of his life have perhaps morphed into myth, but he remains a folk hero to many. He is renowned and respected for his irreverent and straightforward insights into life and the human experience. Ikkyu’s life and work were filled with contradictions, shining examples of the paradox that is Zen. Master of poetry, calligraphy and music, as well as vagabond and patron of brothels and bars, he was immersed in both “high” and “low” culture. He was sharply critical of formalistic religion and the false piety he perceived in the Buddhism of his time, yet reached a position of high stature in Daitoku-ji, a prestigious temple in Kyoto. In this man, polarities collided – the refined and the crass, the frank and the esoteric. His name roughly translates into “One Pause,” signifying his moment of enlightenment that fell in the space between two crow calls. In contrast to this name, which conjures images of peace, is Ikkyu’s nickname, Crazy Cloud.
April 18 at Arcata Playhouse
April 27, 28 at Highways, Santa Monica
May 1 at CAVE, New York
May 5 at The Painted Bride, Philadelphia May 12 at San Francisco International Arts Festival
photo by Pak Han
Just back from the Vancouver International Dance Festival where inkBoat performed Line Between Review of Line Between by Rita Felciano
photo by Pak Han
DANCE VIEW, Vol 29, No. 1 Winter 2012
inkBoat’s surreal Line Between (Dec. 3, ODC Theater, San Francisco) often took my breath away. A team effort between Shinichi Iova-Koga, who has Butoh and Japanese theater in his background, and Dohee Lee, with training in shamanic Korean practices, Line brought together two artists rooted in disparate traditions. Yet both are attempting to mine that heritage for decidedly twenty-first century theatrical expressions. Line, smoothly directed in her debut by Dana Iova-Koga, is an ambitious, beautifully thought out and mesmerizing work, one of inkBoat’s finest. The premise behind the hour-long piece is the state of being between sleep and wakefulness; it’s one in which dreams bleed into the every-day except for the fact that you can’t quite remember them. It’s also, as many artists have testified, a place of semi-consciousness that allows creative impulses to arise in a way not always possible when fully alert. The two choreographers/dancers assembled as series of images into a floating stream that connect to each other even as they keep their own identity. Not all of them communicated equally well. Instances of crawling on all fours, or stirring a bucket to generate music, for instance, remained one-dimensional. But at their best these dream sequences, which ranged from ecstasy to terror, struck resonant chords. Concepts of normalcy and reason were upended. Iova-Koga, on top of a huge unbalanced ladder, yearned for the void; a bed sucked him up as if into a maelstrom. Lee hopped rabbit-like, swung her braids like a whip and turned into an incubus trying to suffocate her partner. She threw pebbles against his dice. The two engaged in a shadowy tango; they also exploded into a hysterical hoe-down. A veiled Peiling Kao acted the “invisible” stagehand commonly found in Japanese theater. A delicate, precise presence, she moved props but also entered the choreography, for instance, making circle dances possible when she wasn’t engaged in hanging long underwear onto a clothesline. Line’s received essential contributions from its designers and musicians who became equals in creating the poetic reality that the work became. Amy Rathbone’s panels shaped a dream space with the luminosity of Japanese rice paper. Oddly placed windows in a façade revealed and hid secrets; a few potted plants suggested ordinariness. Allen Willner’s brilliant lighting contracted and expanded those spaces. Best of all, perhaps, was Jason Ditzian and Suki O’Kane’s music that shifted between fore-and backgrounding itself throughout this wondrous dream ballet.
inkBoat’s surreal Line Between (Dec. 3, ODC Theater, San Francisco) often took my breath away. A team effort between Shinichi Iova-Koga, who has Butoh and Japanese theater in his background, and Dohee Lee, with training in shamanic Korean practices, Line brought together two artists rooted in disparate traditions. Yet both are attempting to mine that heritage for decidedly twenty-first century theatrical expressions. Line, smoothly directed in her debut by Dana Iova-Koga, is an ambitious, beautifully thought out and mesmerizing work, one of inkBoat’s finest. The premise behind the hour-long piece is the state of being between sleep and wakefulness; it’s one in which dreams bleed into the every-day except for the fact that you can’t quite remember them. It’s also, as many artists have testified, a place of semi-consciousness that allows creative impulses to arise in a way not always possible when fully alert. The two choreographers/dancers assembled as series of images into a floating stream that connect to each other even as they keep their own identity. Not all of them communicated equally well. Instances of crawling on all fours, or stirring a bucket to generate music, for instance, remained one-dimensional. But at their best these dream sequences, which ranged from ecstasy to terror, struck resonant chords. Concepts of normalcy and reason were upended. Iova-Koga, on top of a huge unbalanced ladder, yearned for the void; a bed sucked him up as if into a maelstrom. Lee hopped rabbit-like, swung her braids like a whip and turned into an incubus trying to suffocate her partner. She threw pebbles against his dice. The two engaged in a shadowy tango; they also exploded into a hysterical hoe-down. A veiled Peiling Kao acted the “invisible” stagehand commonly found in Japanese theater. A delicate, precise presence, she moved props but also entered the choreography, for instance, making circle dances possible when she wasn’t engaged in hanging long underwear onto a clothesline. Line’s received essential contributions from its designers and musicians who became equals in creating the poetic reality that the work became. Amy Rathbone’s panels shaped a dream space with the luminosity of Japanese rice paper. Oddly placed windows in a façade revealed and hid secrets; a few potted plants suggested ordinariness. Allen Willner’s brilliant lighting contracted and expanded those spaces. Best of all, perhaps, was Jason Ditzian and Suki O’Kane’s music that shifted between fore-and backgrounding itself throughout this wondrous dream ballet.
Watch a video by MANCC of the Crazy Cloud creative process. Read Sherwood Chen's 2010article about the Crazy Cloud residency, quoted at right. Follow the Crazy Cloudconversation on Facebookand Twitter. We'll be posting thoughts from Ko, Shinichi, the dancers and musicians, as well as poems by Ikkyu. Don't miss this peek behind-the-scenes as Ko & inkBoat recreate Crazy Cloud.
Taller de Yuko Kaseki en Berlín
8 Day Butoh Workshop
Frontier in Body
with Yuko Kaseki
June 1 - 3 & 5 – 9, 2012
(June 1 at 17:30-21h, June 2–3+5-9 at 10-16h)
Dig and cultivate body as frontier, to find out hidden untouched field of emotions, memories and sensations...
Research each details of body parts, to devide and reconnect.
Observing habit of movement in socialized function. Dysfunktion is a way of creation, to find new layer of vision and body system.
The workshop’s emphasis is to develop original movement through physical training - details of body awareness, and improvisation with image, gesture, space, and relationship. Physical training is based on Noguchi gymnastics, Butoh methodology, and elements of Tai-Chi. We practice for the whole body to be permeable and awake to deeper layers of sensitivity. Working from the center of our body (Tanden) which is our energy source. Listening honestly to the variants of inner body and develop this in relation to the outer. The workshop offers the possibility to seek and experience in solo, duet and group improvisations. Through intensity and reduction everyone can dive deeply into movement and translate it into individual manifestations. It is important for each person to find a unique body, reality, and exposure.
Cost: 380 Euro (330 Euro if paid by May 15)
Location: EDEN Breitestrasse 43 13187 Berlin Tel: 030 - 35120312 www.dock11-berlin.de
Contact: yuko@cokaseki.com / www.cokaseki.com
Tel: 0176 23 22 16 51
Yuko Kaseki is a dancer, choreographer and teacher based in Berlin. Kaseki was the primary dancer in Anzu Furukawa's company Dance Butter Tokio and Verwandlungsamt. She founded the dance company cokaseki with Marc Ates in 1995. Solo-, ensemble performances, collaborations and improvisations are performed throughout Europe, Canada, Mexico, Uruguay, Argentina, Korea, Taiwan, Japan and the U.S. Long collaboration with inkBoat (SF), also CAVE (NY), Isak Immanuel/Tableau Stations (SF), Theater Thikwa (Berlin) and others. She organises improvisation series “AMMO-NITE GIG” in Berlin and performs with international performers and musicians. Nomination: “Kudan“ by Toyota Choreography Award in Tokyo, Japan. “Tooboe” by “Outstanding Production”, The Dora Mavor Moore Awards 2007 in Toronto, Canada. “Let My Fish Loose” by “no-ballet, International Dance Competition 2007”, Ludwigshafen, Germany.
Activities of Yuko Kaseki 2012 March 18 DORODORO Quarks, Rosario, Argentina
March 24-25 DORODORO Quarks, Buenos Aires, Argentina April 6-8 Made of Silence, Air, and Glass, CounterPulse, SF, USA
April 13-14, Improvisation Festival, Seoul, Korea April 28-29, Neue Musiktage, Ulm, Germany
May 6 Improvisation, Tanzfabrik, Berlin, Germany May 19-20 AMMO-NITE GIG Vol.34, DOCK11, Berlin, Gemany June 21-24 Unspelled, DOCK11, Berlin, Germany August 9-12 AMMO-NITE GIG Vol.35-38, DOCK11, Berlin, Germany September 20 - Strange Flower(working title), Theater Thikwa, F40, Berlin, Germany
Taller de Hisako Horikawa
FECHAS Del 30 marzo al 5 abril de 2012. Taller intensivo de 6 días. LUGARES -1ª parte (del 30 de marzo al 2 de abril) Sierra de Gredos, Hoyocasero, Ávila. http://cerrogallinero.com/ -2ª parte (del 3 al 5 de abril) Aula de danza de la Universidad Carlos III Campus de Leganés. http://www.auladelasartes.es Más info: http://hisakoenmadrid.blogspot.com/2012/02/hisako-horikawa-workshop-2012.html
29 de Febrero de 2012
29 de Febrero de 2012
8 de Febrero de 2012
Newsletter de CAVE de Nueva York: Floating Point Waves

Dear Friends and Colleagues! We are so excited to share with you the official world premier of Floating Point Waves... 4 years in the making and the culmination of a three-year residency at the Obie Award Winning downtown theater HERE! We are so happy with this work and we can't wait to have its premier in NY and then sending it out into the world! Before the show can go on, we need to raise $4,500 dollars. So here is where you come in. We are launching an online fundraising campaign. We have about 30 days to raise our goal. Please check our page, we have prepared great perks for donors, ranging from original screen savers to digital albums to books, dinners, original art work (a good chance to start your art collection or grow it) and even a custom made installation for your house or garden! Not amount is too small or too large. Besides you will be warmly remember for being involve in this epic project. TAKE ME TO CAMPAIGN PAGE
In the meanwhile tickets are on sale now! We hope to have your support by donating funds to our campaign and by having your presence in the theater. HERE presents Floating Point Waves LEIMAY: Ximena Garnica and Shige Moriya in collaboration with Jeremy D. Slater and Solomon Weisbard April 6-8, 10-14 | 8:30 PM Meditative stillness and physical extremity converge in a mesmerizing experience constructed by LEIMAY, the duo behind CAVE, The New York Butoh Festival and the upcoming Soak Festival. Floating Point Waves is an environment of strings, water, solo dance, real-time video, and live electronic music that unveils the relationship between the human body and natural elements. Movement, water, and light respond to one another as an organic causal chain unfolds, echoing that of our own natural world. Startling performance and exquisite design reverberate through the space, framing a landscape where beauty coexists with darkness. 10 de Febrero de 2012
Danza Butoh con Ariel Procajlo
Maquina de Contacto Taller de Butoh + Contact Improvisation con Ariel Procajlo en el Centro Civico Barceloneta el sábado 25 de febrero de 10:30h a 14:30h y de 16:00h a 20:00h Por la mañana los participantes se centrarán en la técnica de contact improvisation, despertando la sensibilidad, unificando el cuerpo y la mente, incorporando la idea de espacio esférico, presencia físico/escénica hacia todas los vectores del orbe. Trabajando sobre la confianza en el cuerpo y ampliando sus limites. Por la tarde se sumergirán en el Butoh, de lleno en un trabajo intenso que permita romper los moldes y alcanzar una danza propia, encontrar la subjetividad que yace en los huesos de cada uno... ADEMÁS Si quieres iniciarte, si quieres profundizar o preparar el salto al vacío... TALLER APROXIMACION A LA DANZA BUTOH domingo 26 de febrero, de 11:30 h a 14:00h, precio 25 euros. Impartido por Ariel Procajlo
Reserva tu plaza:
NATURAPIA calle Francesc Giner, 17, metro Diagonal, Gracia tlf 93 237 7744
info@naturaoia .net KaRbALa BuToH TeaTrODaNzA Compañía de Danza Popular Contemporánea Rosario-Barcelona-Menorca Tel.: 669934839 / 618354543 E-mail: karbalabarna@gmail.com www.karbalabutoh.blogspot.com www.creaturahumana.blogspot.com
Body Weather Amsterdam program
Dear all
A full year ahead! Please note that the Amsterdam workshop will take place
in May and runs from Tuesday to Saturday. Travel on Sunday 29 April as
Monday 30 April will be Queensday, which is great to witness but Amsterdam
will be very full. For updates on the program see
Best greetings
Katerina Bakatsaki - Frank van de Ven
February 13-15 Body Weather Workshop Wellington New Zealand with Peter Snow
and Frank van de Ven
With support from Danz Aotearoa New Zealand
Info and flyer: sascha.perfect@gmail.com tel: +64 27 379 8292
February 14 performance Thought/Action: Home Springs Eternal
8pm at Fred’s in Frederick Street
February 18-19 Thought/Action Workshop New Theatre Festival Auckland New
Zealand with Peter Snow and Frank van de Ven
Info and flyer: http://www.the-edge.co.nz/
February 19 performance Thought/Action: The Death of Agency
Lower NZI 1 Aotea Centre Auckland Info and flyer: http://www.the-edge.co.nz/
February 20-25 Body Weather Workshop Auckland New Zealand
From Touch and Manipulation to Performance and Dance
Info and flyer: info@soulcentre.co.nz tel: +64-9-8173051
March 3-10 Body Meets the Imagination Workshop Sydney Australia
Work on images with Tess de Quincey and Frank van de Ven
For all details see:
T +61-2 4337 5651
March 10 Platform 4 various performances Sydney Australia
At Fraserstudios Info and flyer: info@DeQuinceyCo.net
May 1-5 Body Weather Workshop Amsterdam
5 -day intensive workshop. Note: 30 April queensday! travel on 29 April
Info and flyer: kat.bwa@xs4all.nl Tel: +31-(0)20-6842568
May 5-6 Body Body Weather Workshop Brussels
Strands of Movement and Language
Info and flyer: ozan.aksoyek@gmail.com tel: +32- (0) 495 695 806
June 4-10 Body/Landscape Cairngorms National Park Scotland
info and flyer: Neil Callaghan neilca@hotmail.com tel: +44(0)7739 459 153
June 14 opening exposition Milos Sejn Liberec Czech Republic
info and flyer: ms@sejn.cz
June 18-22 Body Weather Workshop Charleroi Danses
La Raffinerie
Rue de Manchester 21
1080 Brussels
info and flyer: Regis Remigy regis@charleroi-danses.be
+32 (0)71 23 01 37
July 13-19 Body/Landscape Itxassou Pays Basque
Workshop embedded within the Errobiko Festival combining work in the studio
with hikes through the Pyrenees.
Info and flyer: frank.bwa@xs4all.nl
August 26- September 1 Bohemian Paradise Czech Republic
Body - Site - Exploration Interdisciplinary workshop with Milos Sejn
(Academy of Fine Arts Prague) and Frank van de Ven
Info and flyer: ms@sejn.cz or frank.bwa@xs4all.nl
September 9-15 Body/Landscape Rathlin Island North Ireland
Including the Giant Causeway
Info and flyer: seamus.dunbar@gmail.com
September 24-28 Body Weather Workshop Helsinki Finland
At Zodiac Center for New Dance
Info and flyer: http://www.zodiak.fi/en/
8 de Febrero de 2012
Newsletter del CAVE de Nueva York
Dear friends, We are so very happy to finally be able to announce some of the many upcoming events happening at CAVE! And prepare for more news coming soon including this year's SOAK Festival! In addition be sure to check out the work or our resident artists Jen Kosky who has a new website up now (pls. note the site we linked in the previous newsletter is not longer of her work) and let us introduce our sixth studio resident: Kim Burgas!
2012 Butoh Workshops and Classes at CAVE: Registration Opens February 6, 2012. Early Registration Deadline for CAVEnexus Member Discount: February 20, 2012.
LUDUS WEEKLY CLASSES WITH: Leimay's core dancer Denisa Musilova
BUTOH WORKSHOPS WITH GUEST TEACHERS: Kumotaro Mukai (Dairakudakan) and Moeno Wakamatsu
LUDUS WEEKLY CLASSES WITH: Leimay's core dancer Denisa Musilova
BUTOH WORKSHOPS WITH GUEST TEACHERS: Kumotaro Mukai (Dairakudakan) and Moeno Wakamatsu
Unique one-day master class with long-time member of the internationally renowned company DAIRAKUDAKAN. This class is a rare opportunity of training with Kumtraru Mukai, who has been performing, choreographing and teaching with DAIRAKUDAKAN for over 18 years.
MOENO WAKAMATSU INTRODUCTORY SESSION Returning to CAVE after a successful butoh workshop last fall, this two-day workshop is a great opportunity to experience Moeno's own development of dance
LUDUS Class with LEIMAY's core dancer Denisa Musilova Ludus classes are slowly returning. Denisa will be leading these seven classes. Prepare for a series of Sunday's exploring some of the ways LEIMAY's performers are growing their bodies and molding their dance and movement technique.
More Studio Residents Information -Updated! Jen Kosky is the artistic director of Jen Kosky Dance Theater is a New York City-based contemporary dance theater company that is fiscally sponsored by FracturedAtlas. The work aims to combine highly physical choreography with dramatic integrity and characterization. The company’s work is largely inspired by the energetics of nature, urbanity, the body and interpersonal relationships. Often portrayed with a fiery sensual point of view the movement style draws from release technique, improvisation, African dance forms and physical theater. A collaboration between actors and dancers, musicians and artists of different media, the work aims to depict both abstract and literal stories that are human and relatable yet open to interpretation. Please visit www.jenkoskydancetheater.com
1 de Febrero de 2012
Homenaje a Hijikata Tatsumi
23 de Enero de 2012
KaRbALa BuToH TeaTrODaNzA, Taller de Butoh + Contact Improvisation y mas...
KaRbALa BuToH TeaTrODaNzA Compañía de Danza Popular Contemporánea Rosario-Barcelona-Menorca Tel.: 669934839 / 618354543 E-mail: karbalabarna@gmail.com www.karbalabutoh.blogspot.com www.creaturahumana.blogspot.com
13 de Diciembre de 2011
1 de Diciembre de 2011
Actuación de Minako Seki y Yuko Kaseki en Berlín
Video "Last Dance", homenaje a Hijikata Tatsumi en la Plaza del Pilar organizado por la asociación Enacción Danza Zaragoza. Gracias a Gonzalo Catalinas.
El taller está confirmado, la inscripción sigue abierta y aún quedan algunas plazas, si estás interesad@ en participar apresurate a apuntarte...al taller del centro civico barceloneta (mas info en la imagen) Ademas, el 26 de febrero (mismo finde) master class de Butoh, APROXIMACION A LA DANZA BUTOH domingo 26 de febrero de 11.30 h a 14h, 25 euros para los que se queden con ganas de mas para los que quieran tener sus primeros acercamientos a esta potente danza. Esta master class se hará en el centro NATURAPIA de Gracia. de momento no tengo todos los datos de la sala pero podeis informaros escribiendo a tubellaisabel@gmail.com, hay tambien un facebook "naturapia gracia"...
Les inscripcions es duran a terme del 19 al 23 de desembre de 2011 de 10 h a 15.30 h i de 16.30 h a 21 h. Es faran 350 inscripcions en cada un dels torns. Dansa Butoh EN AQUESTA OPORTUNITAT PROPOSEM UN TREBALL PER A GENT AMB ALGUNA EXPERIÈNCIA EN BUTOH. Divendres 27 de gener de 18 h a 21 hs. i Dissabte 28 de gener de 11 h a 14 hs. Prof.: Ariel Procajlo. Preu: 31,40 € Ioga per a la postura i la salut Aquest curs proposa un breu estudi sobre la columna vertebral per precisar l´estat de la nostra postura i brindar una mirada ampliada als nostres hàbits i costums, que donen forma o deformen la nostra estructura muscular. Aquestes pautes ajudaran a prevenir apaties, cansament, estancaments emocionals... Divendres 3 de febrer de 18 h a 21 h i dissabte 4 de febrer de 11 h a 14 hs. Prof.: Maica Martínez. Preu: 31,40 € Lugar Centre Cívic Sagrada Família C/ Provença, 480. 08025 Barcelona Tel. 93 450 89 17 Fax. 93 433 45 08 info@ccsagradafamilia.net Annex: Passatge Centelles, 28. Metro: L5 i L2 Sagrada Família Bus: 10, 19, 33, 34, 43, 44, 48, 50, 51 Aparcament per bicicletes KaRbALa BuToH TeaTrODaNzA Compañía de Danza Popular Contemporánea Rosario-Barcelona-Menorca Tel.: 669934839 / 618354543 E-mail: karbalabarna@gmail.com www.karbalabutoh.blogspot.com www.creaturahumana.blogspot.com
1 de Diciembre de 2011
Noche de butoh en el Inusual!
El próximo miércoles se celebrará otra noche de butoh en el Inusual Project [C/Paloma, 5]. Performances, videos de Urban butoh y la presentación del documental "el alma del baile" en Verkami. Van a actuar los siguientes artistas: Roberto Romero "Fuego camina conmigo" El ciclo de las vidas continua... sumando energía a cada paso. ayudando así superar nuestros miedos y mejorando el presente... cada nuevo ahora... Migui Mandalasol "Tacto" Muertes y vidas bajo el tacto rocoso del ser.
Duración: 12 min aprox Sara Pons "Esta" Que te persigue en la vida que a veces te hace cosquillas y otras te arrebata el suspiro?
Duración: 14 min aprox. "el alma del baile" en Verkami: http://www.verkami.com/projects/817-el-alma-del-baile blog "el alma del baile": http://elalmadelbaile.wordpress.com/
DancePoemPerformance Duet of Minako Seki and Yuko Kaseki
DORODORO Quarks Experiences between Word, Sound, Movement and Body
8. - 11. December 2011, 20:30h
DOCK11 Kastanienallee 79, 10435 Berlin-Prenzlauerberg ticket@dock11-berlin.de Fon: 030 4481222 www.dock11-berlin.de An experiment of searching Atom of word, sound, movement and body to boil a genesis soup. Spices of Onomatopeia, Slice of Micro-Copy the Body Source with Motion and Emotion Desert in Black hole Children of Physics, we scream Re-birth the Words of UR Hear the Noise of Quarks Dig the Roots of Sound Eternal Spinning
In DORODORO Quarks Yuko Kaseki and Minako Seki researching the origin of body, language and dance in their individual history. Since twenty years both dancers from Japan found fruitful ground in Berlin for their passionate works based on avant-garde japanese Butoh and contemporary dance. Worldwide individually recognised for performances, collaborations and workshops, both virtuoso artists do refine their works far away from Berlin dance mainstream and secured funding. Now Minako Seki and Yuko Kaseki created their first mutual piece.
Activities of Yuko Kaseki 2011 Workshop Dec 23-25 CATI studio, Istanbul, Turkey, http://www.catidans.org/index.php?/afisler/yuko/ Performance Dec 26-27 Improvisation with John Barret, Cem Yardimci, CATI studio, Istanbul, Turkey
Yuko Kaseki
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